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Service Quality Level and The Perception of Customers: A Study on Nijhoom Tours – 5* rated travel and tourism company in Bangladesh.


Md. Zainal Abedin , Mohammod Naymur Rahman , Md. Mohiuddin ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 109-118 | Views: 328 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466383

Volume 5 - November 2016 (11)


The study investigates and measure the service quality level of Nijhoom - through SERVQUAL-model statements that means that we measure customer expectations and customer perceptions and make a comparison between different areas of service given by the organization. To do this Five-Point Likert Scale has been used to survey on tourists. The study actually reveals the state of service quality level and the customer perception on this service and whether the service quality level, its standard and customer perceptions are able to increase market share in the industry and be able to make a strong brand image. The current study aims to analyze the performances of The Nijhoom Tours by focusing on the SERVQUAL dimensions. The main purpose of the study is to measure the service quality level of customers and their perceived value of the services given by the Nijhoom Tours. The study also has the objective to find out and analyze the service well as on the basis of service gaps and other findings, a comprehensive recommendation will be given. The study found that different service quality and dimensions bound customers to perceive service quality differently and its service quality level is moderate though it is leading company in the country. So the company should analyze the customer expectations first and then it should make a diagram so that the company can give the best services to the customers. 


Service Quality Dimension, Tourists Behavioral Patterns, Sustainable Tourism, Public-Private Partnership, Competitive Advantage. Customer expectations, Customers satisfaction, Customer perceptions, SERVQUAL-model.


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