Category Archives: VOLUME 7,ISSUE 10

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Corporate Governance and Family-Owned Companies Performance in Ghana
Author’s Details: (1)Atta Emmanuel Kofi  (2)Kong Yusheng (3)Agyemang Andrew Osei (4)Ayamba Emmanuel Caesar4
(1)(2)(3)(4)School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71371087)
Using a sample of 150 family-owned companies in the two major cities in Ghana, this study aims to examine the relationship between family-owned companies and performance taking into account good corporate governance principles such as Board Size, Board Independence and Gender Diversity. The results provide evidence that board characteristics are positively associated with the performance of family-owned companies in Ghana. However, some of the companies did not follow the recommended corporate governance practices, hence, had lower performance. It is therefore recommended that family-owned companies must put into practice good corporate governance principles to enhance performance
Keywords: Board of Directors, Board Characteristics, Corporate Governance, Family-owned, Family ties, Performance

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Calls For Papers- 25-Mar-2024

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