Mapping Study of the soil occupation by vegetation in Filfila region (North–east-Algeria).


Rached-Kanouni M. , Alatou D , Merniz N , Hadef A ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 39-45 | Views: 390 | Downloads: 106 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3459073

Volume 4 - April 2015 (04)


The aim of our work is to map land cover by vegetation in the Filfila region (Skikda, north-east Algeria); in our study, we used aerial photos by ETM + satellite LAND SAT7. The results were used to develop a physiognomic vegetation map of the region (cork oak and zeen oak training, olive tree, dense scrub, clear scrub, culture and urban). The digital terrain model obtained after processing SETM data has established the slope map, 3D presentation, the map displays and map elevations of the study area.


Vegetation, GIS, Satellite Imagery, Landsat ETM + Land use, Aerial photos


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