Awareness and Knowledge of e-Commerce through e-Banking Services: Comparing the Perceptions of Saudi Arabian Islamic and Conventional Bank Customers.
Mohammed N. Alotaibi , Mehmet Asutay ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 52-68 | Views: 358 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460043
The aim of this paper is to assess the level of customer awareness of e-commerce through their experience of ebanking services in Saudi Islamic and conventional banks according to the perceptions of the customers, whereby it aims at developing a better understanding of the level of customer awareness of e-commerce based on their opinions and perceptions expressed through a questionnaire survey. The research sample is based on a sample of 198 customers coming from six Saudi banks (out of 12 banks). The findings indicate that the majority of the respondents from both types of banks appear to understand the importance of e-commerce in general and e-banking services in particular. In addition, the findings suggest that customer awareness of e-commerce through their use of e-banking services can play an important role in expanding the use of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia. This is the first paper in the area of customer awareness of e-commerce through e-banking services using a comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banks in Saudi Arabia, and therefore, the findings and implications of the research offer invaluable information to the industry and policy-makers
customer awareness, e-commerce, e-banking, Islamic and Conventional banks, Saudi Arabia.
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