The Impact of Literacy Level and Population Growth on Unemployment (Time Series on 1994 to 20014).


Nooruddin Chandio M , Mirza Nadeem Baig , Dr. Mohammad Salih Memon , Shabana Shaikh M ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 70-74 | Views: 404 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460084

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


Study investigates the impact of literacy level and population growth on unemployment in case of Pakistan over the period 1994-2014. The prime objective of the study was to identify and establish a link between Literacy level, Population Growth and Unemployment. Data was collected from the ministry of finance government of Pakistan, linear regression was applied through SPSS. 18, and also Bivariate, one tailed correlation used to determine the long-run relationship among variables. The results show that our independent variables have significant impact on the dependent variables in long-run. The research also provides some suggestions for the policy purpose to increase the literacy level in the country. 


Literacy level, Population Growth, Unemployment


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