Information Technology and Knowledge Enabling Factors: an Empirical Investigation Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis.


Dr. Firas M. Alkhaldi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 90-96 | Views: 364 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460096

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


It has been argued by my philosophers and practitioners that information systems/technology plays an imperative role in knowledge creation, yet none has devolve deeply into what attribute and capabilities should IT possess to create a dimensional shift to move from information to knowledge context. This paper capitalized on this gap to provide the needed perspective to comprehend the nature of IT support. A detailed analysis has been adopted by focusing on IT capabilities to the knowledge enabling factors. A robust methodology and critical evaluative criteria was adopted. A confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling strategy was selected as the analysis tool to achieve the research objectives. 


Information technology, knowledge creation, knowledge enabling factors, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling. 


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