Potential Employee Segmentation: Employer Branding and Intention to Apply for a Job in Banking Sector, Pakistan.
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There are not many studies of employer branding and intention to apply for a job. No study was attained attention on potential employee segmentation experienced versus inexperienced applicants perceived by employer branding in Pakistan. Therefore, the endeavor of this survey was to satisfy the gap by analyzing employer branding and intention to apply in recruitment function perspective to potential employee segmentation. Respondents were participated in this survey from different universities who were near to set up their careers. To make analysis between employer branding and intention to apply, respondents were requested in response about the banking sector. Consequently, the findings show that employer branding is significant with the intention to apply at 0.01 level. Not all potential employees are same. Without potential employee segmentation, organizations do not know whom they possess to attract and what they have to be attractive. Furthermore, employer names have a different meaning for different people. Identifying potential employee segment is helpful to become attractive employers and to increase applicant’s intentions too.
Employer Branding, Intention to Apply, Employee segmentation, Experienced Applicants. Inexperienced Applicants
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