Women Entrepreneurship: Culture and Norms – An Indian Perspective.


ashvini chawla , R Sujatha ,

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Volume 5 - January 2016 (01)


An entrepreneur is historically assumed to be male despite changing demographics with women comprising more than 50% of world population. Impact of sheer numbers, status and position in society should translate in socio-economic manifestation of the world we live. Women entrepreneurs drive global business environment with economic stability and strength. When compared with global initiatives women entrepreneurs in India get a raw deal with abysmally low funding, support, encouragement and initiatives. Can women bring business enterprise change; entrepreneurial drive? Such intensity mirrors culture, norms and employee motivation. India ranks at dismal 70th position amongst 77 nations on participation of women in entrepreneurial roles. Can this change? Yes/ No; India needs to witness increase in participation and initiatives to strengthen women entrepreneurs by transcending barriers, creating new ventures, services and products; organizational adaptability within the myths and realities of culture and norms; shift in culture and norms redefining stereotyping. Present exploratory study aims to assess Indian perspective of women in entrepreneurship within the domain of culture and norms and propose a model for organizations to assess their strength on women entrepreneurship. Themes identified are; 2.2 Organization, 2.0 Organization, 1.9 Organization and 1.0 Organization.


Women entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial intensity and drive, Culture, Norms 


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