Consumer’s Multichannel Buying Behavior within the Value Clothing Market: An Analysis on Primark.
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The aim of the research is to examine the multichannel buying behavior of consumers (women) within the value market. It will be tried to analyze, whether consumer’s shopping behavior is online or offline or it has become multichannel in the value clothing market. Primary research has been completed by content analysis and questionnaire. The primary research has found that, consumes are researching through online, in-store, catalogues, social media pages before going to clothing shopping and they are doing it for value retailers as well. Consumers do online shopping because of easy access, time saving whereas in-store because of touch and feel, size and fit issues problem. Primark as one of the successful value retailers are doing well in the value clothing sectors, but still some recommendations will be offered for continuing the market growth and adapt with future attacks from other retailers.
Multichannel, Online and Offline shopping, Buying Behavior, Value Retailers
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