Business Competence in Shaping Competitive Advantage of Emergency Medical Kit Product in Indonesia through Company Reputation
Tezza Adriansyah Anwar , Dwi Kartini Yahya ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 85-90 | Views: 395 | Downloads: 118 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463837
Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) Industry in Indonesia has a huge market potential driven by frequent disasters, the development of transport and healthcare industries. The huge potential of this turned out to be inversely proportional to the EMK product sales from 2007 to 2013. This sales decline is suspected because of the competitive advantage of EMK product is still inferior when compared to similar products made in China. Though the EMK company in Indonesia are an old player who would have the competence, reputation and customer relationship management in a good level. This aimed of this research is to obtain the analysis and assessment of the business competence in shaping the competitive advantage through company’s reputation. The Competencies of domestic EMK company is not in doubt. Reliable and trustworthy reputation is also owned by the domestic EMK company. The domestic EMK products has a superior competitive advantage. Business competence has a fairly close relationship with the company's reputation. Meanwhile, company reputation also has a very close relationship with a competitive advantage when compared with business competence. To enhance the domestic competitive advantage EMK product, EMK company focuses on developing and imaging capabilities in making EMK product that is not only good quality but also have a low price.
emergency medical kit; company reputation; competitive advantage; sales performance.
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