Precipitation variability on the massif Forest of Mahouna (North Eastern-Algeria) from 1986 to 2010
A. Beldjazia , D. Alatou , Amina Beldjazia ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 21-28 | Views: 320 | Downloads: 86 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463919
Water availability is a strong driver of structure and function of the ecosystems. We know that water can be very sensitive to temporal changes in precipitation. However, the analysis of precipitation variability plays an important role in the way it influences ecological and agricultural water requirements. The area chosen for this study is located in the North-East of Algeria in the province of Guelma on the massif forest of Mahouna which is a mediterranean area. This article examines annual, seasonal, monthly and daily rainfall over the region from 1986 to 2010. The temporal variation, season and daily distribution of the precipitation were analyzed using precipitation index and statistically analyses (t-test of student and Pearson correlation). The results show that spring and autumn have the same mean of the amount of precipitation; however, the spring precipitation was correlated positively and very strongly with annual precipitation. The climate of the massif forest of Mahouna is characterized by alternate wet and dry seasons from year to year.
precipitation, mediterranean area, forest of Mahouna, climate
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