Impact of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Performance and Mediating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan.
Azlan Naseer Butt , Syed Muhammad Maaz, , Dr. Iftikhar A Butt ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 25-37 | Views: 388 | Downloads: 106 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464785
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between ethical leadership and Organizational performance, mean while studying the mediating role of corporate social responsibility between this relationship. Using survey data from public and private banking sector of Pakistan, we found that Ethical leadership positively affects the corporate social responsibility which in turn positively influences the organizational performance. Besides this, we found a partial mediating role of corporate social responsibility on the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational performance.
Ethical Leadership, Organizational Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility
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