Chinese Emerging Multinational Enterprises Outward Foreign Direct Investment – its Current Research Issues in Asia Pacific


Fatima Zakir , Ali Rehman ,

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Volume 5 - July 2016 (07)


this paper examines foreign direct investment (FDI) in world. It includes the entry strategies, ownership structure, and other characteristics, deals with the Chinese MNEs. China is now the home of large firms which are now classified as the multinational enterprises (MNEs). MNEs is defines as the firm which have foreign sales and productions. China emerged as the largest investor of the world. The Literature of the international business examines the expansion phase of the MNEs. In 2001 Chinese 16 firms were included in the world’s largest companies; by 2004,16 Chinese firms were in the list of world’s largest companies among 500. This chain did not break now china has become one of the most prominent investor of the world.



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