Evolving a Business Excellence Model Based On Sustainable Human Capital Resources for Mauritius: A Qualitative Approach.


Domun Rishi , Dr Balvir Talwar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 100-114 | Views: 345 | Downloads: 94 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466170

Volume 5 - October 2016 (10)


—this paper is part of a doctoral research work conducted to identify a proper business excellence model for Mauritius. As it involves a deep probe into the human aspect of an enterprise a qualitative approach has been used to obtain insights of the model to be used. The stakeholders are people involved in the business excellence award competition. The study has yielded the business excellence model based on sustainable human capital resources, keeping in view the triple bottom line aspects of the enterprise namely economic, social and environmental as well as other major aspects of leadership strategy, operations, marketing, information management and results. Such original insights will be useful for academicians, enterprises and scholars of business excellence. All the criteria for a good qualitative work has been observed, 


—Business Excellence, human resources, sustainability, 


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