The Influence Of Market Attractiveness And Distinctive Capabilities On Competitiveness And The Implication On Business Performance Of Hand Loom Industry In West Java.
Muhammad Ade Sulchi , Wa Ode Zusnita Muizu , Dwi Kartini- , Erie Febrian ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 168-177 | Views: 334 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466403
The Hand Loom Industry has a big opportunity in its market, but the performance of that industry is still less optimal compared to the existing opportunities and market demands. The low business performance of the industry is allegedly caused by the competitiveness that still not high caused by the weaknesses in the ownership of distinctive capability and in adapting market attractiveness of the industry. The objective of this study is to uncover the influence of market attractiveness and distinctive capability on competitiveness and the implication on business performance of Hand Loom Industry in West Java. This is a causality research on the unit of analysis and observation is the company’s management team of the Hand Loom Industry in West Java, which sample size of 50, that using stratified random sampling methods. Data then verified through PartialLeast Square (PLS). The findings reveal that distinctive capability has a bigger role in enhancing competitiveness of Hand Loom Industry in West Java rather than market attractiveness. Competitiveness has a greatest influence to business performance
Market Attractiveness, distinctive capabilites, Business Performance
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