Factors Deriving Consumers’ Repurchase Intention in Online Shopping: a Pakistani Consumer’s Perspective.


Tehreem Ali- ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 261-270 | Views: 369 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468695

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


This research paper is intended to determine the most critical factors in the success of online businesses. The purpose of this research is to find out the most important antecedents of online repurchase intentions in Pakistani environment. For this purpose 180 respondents were chosen on the basis of convenient sampling. Regression coefficients were estimated by using SPSS 20 program. Some useful insights were found by the results. It is established that perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment and satisfaction with the seller are the critical success factors that force any consumer to repurchase from the same online seller. Also this study has a few limitations. A future research with larger sample size and additional variables is recommended. 


Online repurchase intent, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, Trust, perceived enjoyment, Satisfaction with seller


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