Impact of Employee Misconduct on Turnover Intention with Mediating Effect of Stress in Corporate Sector of Pakistan.


Saima Naseer , Muzaffar Asad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 84-97 | Views: 345 | Downloads: 101 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468740

Volume 6 - January 2017 (01)


This study aimed to investigate the impact of various estimations of employee misconduct included harassment, ostracism, interpersonal conflict and incivility on the turnover objective close by mediating a portion of stress in three private organizations of corporate sector of Lahore, Pakistan. As an instrument, structured questionnaire was adopted for collection of data and reliability was 0.961.Response rate was 50%. To analyze data, spss software was used. The results showed that all variables have significant relationship between them. For mediating testing, Baron and Kenny methodology was applied. It was concluded after regression analysis that no mediation exists in the relationship among dependent and independent variables. 


Incivility, harassment, ostracism, interpersonal conflict, turnover intention


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