Quality Operation Management Strategy as an Indication of Organisational Success
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Operations management is the process that turns different inputs of a business into the output; it consists of all the activities involved in producing a good or service from raw materials. There are different tools to achieve operational excellence or devise a successful operations strategy. Total Quality Management (TQM), Just in Time (JiT) inventory management, Six Sigma approach are to name a few tools used by firms around the globe. However, lean management and Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) are more modern approaches towards creating and implementing an effective strategy. It is evident from case studies, and industry expert opinions that a quality operations management strategy leads the production of quality goods and services achieves a lower cost of production, lessens error and creates a more efficient production system. Operations management plan is indeed a critical factor of success for an organisation to achieve a competitive edge and sustain in the long run.
Quality Operation, Management Strategy, Indication, Organisational Success
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