Planning and Modelling of Pharmaceuticals Wholesale-Distributors supply Chain using SCOR model: A Moroccan case study
Essajide Lhassan , Rachidi Ali ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 35-51 | Views: 353 | Downloads: 94 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468914
The evolution of the economic, social and regulatory environment in addition to the specificity of pharmaceutical products requires the pharmaceuticals wholesale-distributors, in order to maintain and improve their performance, to be more competitive, agile and responsive to different constraints and criteria imposed by the various players in the supply chain and by the environmental uncertainty. The development of models that integrate the sharing information amongst supply partners, at all decision levels with uncertainty consideration is a key success factor to achieve these objectives and to increase organizational productivity and profitability. This paper presents an adaptation of the SCOR processes to the pharmaceuticals Wholesale-Distributors supply chain. The purpose is twofold: - The SCOR model is widely acknowledged as the quasi-industry standard for SCM. However, its application within Moroccan enterprises still postponed. This article has as main interest to fill this gap. - SCOR modelling is the first step in our approach which aims at setting up a dynamic and efficient decisionmaking system in supply chain management of pharmaceuticals wholesale distributors and that consider the uncertainty. SCOR model assists to better map and analyses the entire supply chain. Moreover, it provides key performance indicators that we will also adapt and use in our system. Future works will be devoted to the same dual objective: (i) adapting and enriching SCOR performance indicators to suit pharmaceuticals distribution and (ii) the fulfillment of the decision-making system.
Supply chain management, Pharmaceuticals wholesale-distributors, SCOR, Model adaptation.
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