The Impact of SMEs’ Brand Credibility on Consumer Purchase Intentions
Indah Purnamasari , Enjang Pera Irawan ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 36-44 | Views: 1661 | Downloads: 471 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473870
This study examines how brand credibility affects consumer purchase intention in the SMEs of Indonesia. Based on signaling theory and relationship marketing theory, it explores the relationships among four constructs, i.e. brand credibility, attitude toward brand, affective commitment and purchase intention. Linear regression model applied to consumer survey data supports the argument. The results indicate that SMEs’ brand credibility increases consumer purchase intention by increasing consumers' attitude toward brand and enhancing affective commitment. This study provides insights for marketers and brand managers to manage brand communication campaigns more consciously and attractively in their SMEs. The limitations are also discussed along with recommendations for future research.
brand credibility, attitude toward brand, affective commitment, purchase intentions, SMES, Indonesia
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