Factors Influence the Purchase Intention toward Paid App: Mediating Role of Satisfaction and Moderated Path Analysis of Price
Almas Shoaib , Tufeeq hussain , Rida Yasmin , Yousaf Siddique , Qaisar Farooq ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 147-156 | Views: 653 | Downloads: 210 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990674
Although the vast development potential that has been forecast for paid app purchases and the mobile game market, slight is recognized about what motivates game players to make such purchases. The purpose of this paper is to form a research model founded on the satisfaction literature and studies of value theory to classify the backgrounds of intention to purchase paid app in the setting of mobile games. The projected model was empirically evaluated using a questioner to collect data for game societies of Pakistan. Data collect to 310 responded that use mobile paid app free version. Multiple regressions were used to measure the research model. The results disclose that satisfaction to the mobile game has significant influence on a player’s intention to make purchase paid apps. The perceived values of the game (playfulness, flow, connectedness and achievement) have direct influence on the satisfaction of all players but appear to have directly impact on the intentions to purchase. Satisfaction was found to have a partial impact on a player’s intention to paid app. Moderating role of high price negative impact on purchase intention of paid app. Our study revealed higher price decrease the purchase intention of satisfied consumers. This study provides a better understanding of how the values encouragement satisfaction among all players of the game, and the purchase intentions of paying players. Further understandings into mobile game app marketing strategies are provided as well
Smart phone, Paid app, Intention to purchase, Mobile games, Satisfaction, Price
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