Effect of Freight Forwarders’ Services on Performance of Port Operations in Kenya


Rakam Kamar , Dr. Noor Ismail Shale ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 178-187 | Views: 606 | Downloads: 154 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990792

Volume 9 - October 2020 (10)


 The aim of the research was to determine the effect of freight forwarder services on performance of port operations in Kenya. This research employed a descriptive research design. The research used self-administered questionnaires to obtain main information. The target population was 202 employees including respondents used for reliability testing and sample size was 129 employees in customs brokerage, transport, warehousing, supply chain and shipping departments for the top global freight forwarding companies operating in Kenya. The data was edited, coded and input into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 for analysis. The analysis was descriptive and inferential (correlation and regression analysis). The results indicated that documentation and system integration, positively and significantly influenced performance of port operations in Kenya.Notably, documentation has enhanced document accuracy, thereby contributing to port operation efficiency that is instrumental in eliciting superior performance. Also, through the utilization of ICTs, better information is generated on the status of the cargo to the recipient. Consequently,  to improve operational efficiency at the port, it is crucial to have document accuracy such that there are no misdeclarations and incorrect entities. Also, there is a need for companies to capitalize on the use of ICTs in both asset monitoring and sharing and the generation of information on the status of cargo.


Documentation, System Integration, Performance, Port Operations 


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