Cryptocurrency: A Digital Platform of Virtual Currency and Its Future in Bangladesh
Tania Hamid, ACMA , Md. Monzur Hossain , Md. Shafiqul Islam ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 103-114 | Views: 600 | Downloads: 183 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5036537
The word peeps very first is Cryptocurrency, a digital platform of medium of exchange which is getting ready to take over the existing position of paper currency and also a type of ultra-digital currency. Matter of consideration is that it hasn’t any form of governing body to control the flow and mechanism of the aforesaid digital strait. No intermediaries are required to settle down the payment between customers engaged in currency exchange. The smart blockchain concept has been affiliated to ensure the security and authenticity of transactions except uncovering of customers’ identification module. Bitcoin set out its journey in year of 2008 and scattered its popularity amid the interested suits and communities. It's opened for transaction in the market in year 2019.Cryptocurrency is hereby illustrated as the successor of paperless currency which also be termed as" Next Generation Currency" or "Digital Currency". Keen participants amid developing and developed countries express their delicate and node to positive vive in transforming the currency in digital platform to provide a space for cryptocurrency. The article is herewith intended to focus on the fundamental & mechanism of the cryptocurrency. Henceforth, it will also unleash the current state and straits of Bangladesh about Cryptocurrency craze. Along with, some sorts of pros and cons of Cryptocurrency also be sprinkled in the study onwards. Afterwards, opinion may be drawn scrutinizing over the study is that it can be chosen as in general worldwide accepted currency. Our state could be a co- launcher of Cryptocurrency provided that some hindrances & challenges can be dealt with confidentiality and efficiency. Inclusive and vigilant monetary policy focusing the cryptocurrency, unbiased standing of Government and affiliated concerns & bodies are to stretch forward to introduce the Cryptocurrency tightening proper guidelines and regulations other than creating complexities.
Cryptocurrency, Digital asset, Virtual currency, Blockchain, Developing country.
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