Impact of Service Quality, Customer Relationship Management and Perceived Value on Brand Loyalty with Mediation Role of Customer Satisfaction
Rehana Kosar , Shifa Rathore , Komel Jamil , Maria Ghani ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 18-28 | Views: 810 | Downloads: 191 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5066693
Customer satisfaction is one of the key objectives of service organizations because satisfaction leads the customers to be loyal and loyalty can be the source of competitive edge for the organization. Therefore, this study is designed to investigate the mediating role of customer satisfaction between service quality, CRM, perceived value, and brand loyalty in the overall service sectors of Pakistan. For this study, the targeted population consists of the different consumers who were involved in consuming services of both public and private sectors. We chose the “convenient sampling technique”. Among 302 respondents result from only 215 (71%) results were used through quantitative research methodology. The results indicate that service quality, customer relationship management, and perceived value are the key drivers in enhancing brand loyalty when customer satisfaction is mediated in their relationship. For analysis, the collection was generated through SPSS. The findings confirm highly positive correspondence among variables considers for this study.
Service Quality, Customer Relationship Management, Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty.
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