Cultural Values and Aesthetic Functioning on Modern Architecture in Ghana


Quarcoo Rebecca , Zhou Jianhua ,

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Volume 10 - July 2021 (07)


The study was a descriptive survey to examine the cultural values and aesthetic functioning on modern architecture in Ghana. The population for the study constituted professional architects working in the Department of Architectural and Engineering Service of the Ministry of Works and Housing in Ghana. Fifty (50) experts from the Architectural Department of the Ministry of Works and Housing in Ghana were selected for the study comprising of thirty (38) males and twenty (12) females. The study observed that all (100%) of the respondents were certain that; (a) modern architecture adopted in Ghana is important for the survival and transmission of traditional culture (b) the purpose or usage of the facility may be a significant influence on its design and (c) modern architecture adopted in Ghana is important for the survival and transmission of traditional culture and (d) conservation practices, regulation by government and practical inspection of architectural works can help to preserve the architectural heritage of Ghana. In the light of these findings, it is concluded that; (a) modern architecture in Ghana presents several positive cultural values as Ghanaian culture is dynamic and gives order and meaning to aesthetic practices of the people, and (b) Finally, regular training of architects, conservation practices, regulation by government and effective and practical inspection of architectural works can help to preserve the architectural heritage of Ghana.


Cultural Values, Aesthetic Functioning, Modern Architecture


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