The Mediating Role of Brand Reputation and Brand Equity in the Ghanaian Hospitality Industry
Richard Barfi , Li Wen Yuan , Ran Kwabena Fosu ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 87-97 | Views: 490 | Downloads: 137 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5266540
This study aims to examine the brand (equity) of local and global fast-food restaurants in Ghana. Furthermore, the analysis surveys the brand association (B Ass.) and brand awareness (B Aw.) dimensions of brand equity (BE). Also explored was brand reputation (BR) as a mediating factor between brand equity and brand trust (BT). Social media's moderating effects were also probe. The study employed partial least square “3.0” for inferential statistics and structural equation modeling. BE had a beneficial and significant impact on BR, according to the data. Another point of consideration was that the influence of brand awareness on brand trust is partially mediated by brand reputation; the relationship between brand association and brand trust is wholly mediated. The study outcomes help develop multidimensional psychosomatic processes entangled in buyer selection needs for fast food restaurants and the service industry in Ghana.
Brand Trust (BT), Brand Awareness (B Aw.), Social Media (SM), Brand Reputation (BR), Brand Equity (BE), and Brand Association (B Ass.).
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