A Survey on the Management of Electronic Records: A Case Study of Djibouti National Social Security Fund Main Branch


Nimaleh Abdi Kabel , Zhou Jin Yuan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 71-86 | Views: 468 | Downloads: 142 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5266532

Volume 10 - July 2021 (07)


The effect of information and communication technology (ICT) adoption on the service management performance (SMP) of the National Social Security Fund of Djibouti (NSSF) was studied. The potential role of electronic records management adoption (ERMA) as a mediator was also investigated. Using SPSS software, correlational analysis, multivariate regression analysis and analysis of variance were done to understand the relationship between study constructs. Also, the partial least square design of structural equation modeling was used to determine the effect of ICT on ERMA, the effect of ICT on SMP and the effect of ERMA on SMP. According to results, ICT adoption positively influenced ERMA and SMP significantly (p < 0.05). ERMA also had a positive impact on SMP. Considering the mediation role of ERMA on the relationship between ICT and SMP, the indirect effect of ICT on SMP was measured. It was shown that ICT indirectly impacted SMP more than directly, hence the mediation of ERMA was confirmed. The implications of these findings are that, management divisions and policies that enhance investment and adoption of ICT are relevant infrastructurally to enhance the use of ERM systems in NSSF. Moreover, where ICT use already exists, SMP can be much more enhanced with the adoption of ERM systems.


Electronic records management; service performance; ICT; technology acceptance; technology adoption; organizational performance.


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