On The Question of Human Resources Management in the Organization


Marina Bogatyreva , Azamat Yumagulov , Pavel Ryabukhin , Ilyuza Yakshibaeva ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-05 | Views: 450 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5824484

Volume 10 - December 2021 (12)


This article discusses the features of human resource management. Today, this issue has received particular relevance, since all large domestic organizations often use outdated methods of personnel management, and the human resources themselves are considered nothing more than a tool to achieve the set goal of the enterprise. The authors updated the concept of "human potential", in which the psychological component of this definition was highlighted, and the features of human potential management at an enterprise were considered, depending on the influence of 4 groups of external factors.


Human resource management, personnel, labor organization, resources, organization strategy



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