Workplace Spirituality Impact on job Satisfaction: Mediating role of trust


M.Adeel Abid , M.Mohsin Hafeez , summan kokab , aqsa parveen , Naeem shoukat ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 104-109 | Views: 1374 | Downloads: 408 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3474590

Volume 7 - January 2018 (01)


Purpose – The basic aim of this research is to examine workplace spirituality impact and the trust factor on job satisfaction, among the banks in various cities of Punjab Pakistan
Design/methodology/approach – The data is collected to analyse the relationship between job satisfaction and workplace spirituality by asking questions directly to the employees of the banks. Trust among the organization and workplace is also tried to map on job satisfaction. Two hundred responses were taken under sample space belonging to various Banks, on the stratified basis, to show uniformity and impartiality of this research. Furthermore, the quantitative and statistical approach was used to examine the results and compile in a meaningful manner.
Findings- The finding of the study showed that workplace spirituality has a significant and positive relationship with job satisfaction and trust among the employees of organization and trust factor significantly mediates the relationship between workplace spirituality and the job satisfaction.
Research restraints- The study is limited to a number of banks in Pakistan only and employees are only manager operations, branch managers and relationship managers that were included in sample space. This can be increased to worldwide international banks and all the employees of the organization including accountants, cashiers, General Managers, Information Technology staffs, etc
Originality/value- The study shows that workplace spirituality increases the job satisfaction of the employees at the workplace.


Workplace Spirituality, Trust, Job Satisfaction, Punjab banks.


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