Low-CO2 Development via Green Behaviour Mechanism and Strategy Research
Chuang Li , Sajjad Amin , Amina Bibi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 66-79 | Views: 214 | Downloads: 56 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7393349
Analysis of policy and mechanism of green behaviour, as well as the role of technology, in the relationship between policy and low carbon development in China was a primary goal of the study. Finance also played a significant role in the relationship, but only when technology was present. Finance plays a significant part in China's policy and mechanism for green behaviour and low carbon development. It was also revealed that the existence of technological variables in China's policy and mechanism of green behaviour and low carbon development has a beneficial impact on the interaction between policy and mechanism. As a result of the study, it is recommended that countries adjust to the urgent circumstances under the long-term goals for tackling climate change and to overcome the "Middle Income Trap" within innovation-driven and low carbon development
Technology innovation, Financial development, GDP growth, FMOLS, CO2 emissions
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