Obstacles Found in Accomplishing Knowledge Management


Arman Jaya , Titik Rosnani , Dody Pratama Marumpe , Yulyanti Fahruna , Heriyadi ,

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Volume 12 - April 2023 (04)


The aims of this study were to carry out the accomplishment of knowledge management and to find out the obstacles of knowledge management accomplishment in GraPARI Telkomsel Soreang, West Java, Indonesia. The qualitative method used in this study with qualitative exploratory approach which was single-case study. The techniques of collecting data were Knowledge Management Assessment Tool (KMAT), in-depth interview, non-participant observation and documentation study by triangulation, member check and extend observation conducted as the data validity technique. The result of this study indicated the knowledge management accomplishment at GraPARI Telkomsel Soreang was good, nevertheless there were two weak categories found: culture/ structure aspect and knowledge management measurement. In addition, there were eleven obstacles of knowledge management accomplishment at GraPARI Telkomsel Soreang: (1) less stable network connection/ problematic application; (2) lack of training and learning; (3) changing in SOP and product knowledge were too dynamic; (4) incentives in sharing knowledge were not given intensively; (5) tacit knowledge was not managed as a knowledge; (6) the company couldn’t appreciate the employees’ knowledge; (7) there were not clear regulations in accessing knowledge management system; (8) low employees’ enthusiasm in accessing knowledge management system; (9) there was no available containers for creative ideas; (10) differences in employees’ understanding skill; and (11) limited KMS access time.


Knowledge management, knowledge capture/ creation, knowledge sharing/ dissemination, knowledge acquisition/ application


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