Why the Economy of Ho Chi Minh City is Important to the Vietnamese Economy? A study Based on Inter-Regional Relations


Bui Trinh , Nguyen Viet Phong ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-38 | Views: 235 | Downloads: 67 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7867052

Volume 12 - April 2023 (04)


This study is based on the concept of inter-regional analysis to describe the internal structure of the industry and interdisciplinary as well as the internal structure of the region and the inter-region of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) for the rest of Vietnam (ROV). Theoretically for a country, there are often industries that are of relative importance higher than more compared to other sectors in the economy through the power of dispersion and sensitivity of dispersion indexes. The concept of interregional analysis was concretized by Isard (1951) and concretized by Harry W. Richardson (1973) and Miyazawa, K. (1976) and it is considered as an important tool in research regional economic research. Similar to industry, a region or province has its own importance (by industry specific) and a certain region may have more pervasive importance to the national economy than other regions/provinces.This study is based on the inter-regional input - output table of Vietnam between HCMC and ROV, 2012 and 2016 with 55 sectors (Appendix 1)


HCMC, final demand, final products, input – output, interregional, multiplier, Vietnam


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