The Effect of Time Management on Productivity in Financial Institutions: A case study of Ghana Commercial Bank, Hohoe
Ethel Dzidefo Asimah , Kong Yusheng , Felix Kwame Nyarko , Alex Boadi Dankyi , Dominique Jean Jacques Beraud ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 83-109 | Views: 1463 | Downloads: 484 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483349
Time is a vital resource for achieving organizational goals. How time is managed in an organization will determine whether the organization will succeed or not. The study was undertaken to determine the various causes of time mismanagements and its effect on productivity. The general objective of the study was to find out the effects of time management on the productivity in financial institutions using Ghana Commercial Bank as a case study. The research was a descriptive survey employing simple random sampling on customers and purposive sampling technique on staffs. The main research instrument used was structured questionnaires. The main statistical tools used for analysis are a bar graph, one sample test and statistics, and cross tabulations and chi-square. The study clearly indicates that time management has a positive impact on productivity. However, it was found out that staffs of GCB mismanage transaction time. Based on the findings, the researchers suggested that policies should be put in place by the management of the various financial institutions to ban the use of personal phones to prevent unnecessary interruptions. Also, employees should frequently be trained in time management to ensure that work ethics are adhered to in other to prevent unnecessary interruptions during working hours.
Time Management, Productivity, Financial Institutions
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