Conflict Management in Organizations


Shpresa Syla ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 97-104 | Views: 1308 | Downloads: 490 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483437

Volume 7 - March 2018 (03)


What matters the most for the achievement of success of the firm is the implementation of the strategy. But, there exist cases when the strategy cannot be applied. This happens for different reasons, among which is the conflict. An organization is successful when it applies its strategy in favorable and unfavorable conditions as well as in cases when it faces the conflicts that happen inside it. When the conflict appears, we should be aware of the methods, the way of access and conflict management in general. In the abovementioned points, the conflict management in firm appears in its clearest way. This study deals mainly with the conflict as a negative/positive phenomenon that appears inside a firm, types of conflicts, the way of access to it, causes that impact the achievement of the conflict and the ways of managing it, from the manager, as the person with the biggest responsibility and the main roles inside the firm.


Conflict, Management, Group, Objectives, Strategy


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