Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy and its impact on entrepreneurial intentions


Kaneez Fatima Sadriwala , Dr. L. Ashraf Ali Khan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 09-21 | Views: 1229 | Downloads: 384 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484510

Volume 7 - September 2018 (09)


Purpose – The aim of this paper is to identify the presence of various entrepreneurial traits present among the  college students. This research will also relate the entrepreneurial self traits to their career intentions. Another aim is to find out if there exists any gender difference in  entrepreneurial trait and entrepreneurial intention.
Design/methodology/approach – A quantitative approach is being used. The data has been collected by administering a questionnaire including personal demographics and questions on Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, career choice, and intentions. Purposive sampling has been done.
Findings – There exist no gender differences in Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and career intentions among the accounting major students. The first choice of the students after completion of their study is to go for Government jobs, the second choice is private jobs, and the third choice is starting up their own business.
Research limitations/implications – This research is limited to the Omani Accounting Undergraduate students only. Future researches can include students from all branches, i.e., management, marketing, economics, etc. It can also be extended to inter-discipline like- Pharmacy, Nursing, Engineering, and Arts & Science and across various countries.
Originality/value –This research is first of its kind as it focuses on the accounting major students. Due to Omanisation, many accounting jobs are reserved for native Omanis’ only. In such circumstances, this research helps to understand the student's career intention and preference of career.


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, Omani students, Accounting, gender, career


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