The Relationship between Sociological Factors and Compulsive Buying Behavior: Mediating Effect of Materialism
Ali Hasan , Adnan Latif , Maryam Nazir , Hafiz Arslan Iqbal ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 60-73 | Views: 1111 | Downloads: 378 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484535
Volume 7 - September 2018 (09)
The key objective of this research study is to find the relationship between Sociological factors (that includes Peer group, Media Celebrity endorsement, TV advertisement, and Family communication) and Compulsive buying behavior with mediating factor Materialism. Previous studies have shown that there is a positive impact of all sociological factors on compulsive buying behavior. 92% responses among questionnaire were usable. The reliability analysis, correlation, regression, and other testhe ts were performed through SPSS. This study suggested that sociological factors enhance the compulsive buying behavior. The consequences of the findings of the study reveal that there is a significant positive relation of all factors on compulsive buying behavior. Future Studies can be done with other factors like age, psychological factors, personal factors, demographic factors, and occupational factors
Sociological Factors, Compulsive Buying Behavior, Materialism
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