A Disaggregated Analysis On The Impact Of Non-Oil Export On Economic Growth In Nigeria: 1981-2016


Oyefabi Ilemobola Solomon , Murtala Usman Tukur , Saheed Zakaree ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 67-73 | Views: 1088 | Downloads: 331 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490345

Volume 7 - December 2018 (12)


The main focus of the study is to examine the extent at which non-oil has significantly impacted the growth of the Nigerian economy. In order to achieve this, annual time-series data over a period of 36 years (1981-2016) for all variables were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The non- oil export products were disaggregated into agricultural, manufacturing and solid minerals exports in order to examine their exact impact on the Nigerian economy. The regression analysis was estimated using a simultaneous equation technique, specifically, the 2-stage least square, having found that the equation was over-identified. The results obtained affirmed that non-oil exports: agricultural products, manufacturing goods, and solid minerals have a positive and significant impact on the Nigerian economy. The study, therefore, advocates for Government relentless effort in stimulating the growth of the non-oil export products, especially the agricultural and manufacturing export components through a robust capital investment in these sectors, as the non-oil sector has the potentials to unlock and stimulate the country’s economic performance and facilitate sustainable development


Non-oil Export, Nigerian Economy, Dutch Diseases, Economic Growth, Simultaneous Equation


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