Impact of Financial Factors on Karachi Stock Exchange Listed Firm,s Performance


Muneeb Ahmad , Ghulam Zia Ud Din Raza ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-18 | Views: 1164 | Downloads: 409 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.34903

Volume 8 - January 2019 (01)


This study empirically scrutinizes the correlation among firm-wise financial factors and firm performance in the Pakistani industry from 2007 to 2012 using panel data regression. A flat belongings replica was resolute to be the right comes up to for the examination. The models recognize liability influence and movement as momentous financial factors upsetting Pakistani firm’s performance. Alternatively, the capture of the representation was established to play a uniformly significant role in a Pakistani firm’s marketplace concert, involving that firm-wise nonfinancial features should be scrutinizedin prospect study.


Financial factors, firm performance, Pakistani industry, preset belongings mock-up


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