A Computer Based Mathematical Formulation of Location Problem In Distributed Service Network
Suchita Gupta , Arun Pratap Singh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 22-26 | Views: 1316 | Downloads: 354 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472268
Distributed Service Network is a wide term related to distribution and travelling i.e. distribution of resource among facilities located at various locations and travelling of resource along a distributed network. Policy making problems in distributed service networks can be clearly classified into a number of hierarchical levels. The levels are distinguished by time horizon of the problem, by amount of cost involved in the implementation of a solution, and by the political implications of the solution. In the public sector, it includes ambulance, fire, police and other services. In the private sector courier, taxi, repair, maintenance and the like are considered to be distributed service network.This paper considers a location problem in Distributed Service Network. The location problem aims to determining the number, the position and the mission of required distribution centers with in the populated region. The main objective to minimizes the total transportation duration from the distribution centers to demand points. The result obtained in our experimental study show that the computing time required by the proposed method may be large for some instances.
Emergency response, location problems, p – median.
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