Strategic leadership dimensions and competitive advantage: Perspective of Service Firms in Lagos and Ogun State


Adeoye, I.A , Egwakhe, A.J , Adefulu, A.D ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 58-67 | Views: 979 | Downloads: 280 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3496441

Volume 8 - May 2019 (05)


Nigeria services sector is faced with stiff and intense competition due to homogeneity in service design and leadership has hindered their competitive advantage. This study queries the effect of strategic leadership dimensions on the competitive advantage of service firms in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria. Cross sectional research design was adopted and primary data were collected through an adapted questionnaire. The respondents were two hundred and seventy-seven top management of the selected service firms. The multiple regression results revealed that strategic leadership dimensions significantly affected competitive advantage with reference to risk-taking, decision making and strategic intent at 5% level of significance. The paper proposes that risk taking, decision making and adherence to strategic intent should be imbibed towards gaining competitive advantage


Strategic leadership, Competitive advantage, Service firms, Top management, Risk taking, Strategic intent, Decision making


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