The Role of Knowledge Management Process for Improving the Organizational Philanthropy- A Case of Transparent Hands of Pakistan
Rabeea Ishaq , Amna Ali , Faisal Mehmood tahir ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 94-103 | Views: 1006 | Downloads: 291 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3509998
In recent times the interest of the businesses towards social innovation, social entrepreneurship as well as social responsibility grows up more for increasing the positive attitude towards the external stakeholders. With these an increasing interest concerning the ecological wellbeing is considered to be more like a social innovation perspective’s for the business. Organization philanthropy comes under the umbrella term of the organization social responsibility. This basic motivation relying behind this conceptual paper study is to explore the impact of philanthropy acts of the organizations as a social innovation, as well as to link up this with the phenomenon of knowledge management process. The basic motivation behind this study is to highlight that how the transparent hands – A social enterprise managing the knowledge process behind their philanthropic intentions. Separately both of these concepts had a variety of literature, but still the arguments relying behind the knowledge management strategies and social innovation perspective is missing. The theoretical argument support behind the Knowledge management process and philanthropic acts has been explained with the help of self-conceptualized theoretical model. The inspiration behind this study is to put a light towards the emerging phenomena’s that are linked up with the external stakeholders welfare and as well as the internal stakeholders intellectual abilities. In addition, Knowledge management strategies can drive a company or an organization to capitalize on economic potential outside the firm, and enable organizations to detect opportunities for innovation that they otherwise could have missed
organization philanthropy, knowledge management process, Social enterprise
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