Effect of Sustainability Accounting on Universities Financial Performance in Nigeria


Osho Augustine E , Akinola Akinwumi Olusegun ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 116-124 | Views: 805 | Downloads: 250 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3510060

Volume 8 - August 2019 (08)


The study was on the effect of sustainability accounting on Universities financial performance in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to examine the effect and usefulness of sustainability on financial performance of Universities in Nigeria. The Study is established on stewardship theory and stakeholders’ theory. Descriptive and Ex-post facto research design was adopted in the Study. Panel least square regression was used to analyze the data to test for the relationship between the sustainability accounting variables (corporate social responsibility expenditure, total personnel costs) and Financial Performance (Return on Equity). Findings revealed that there is an insignificant positive relationship between corporate social responsibility expenditure and financial performance of Universities in Nigeria. Also, total personnel cost has no significant effect on return on equity of Universities in Nigeria. The Study concluded that Universities should adopt sustainability accounting initiatives to enable them identify, allocate and measure environmental and social cost affecting the Universities and provide them with strategies and techniques for managing corporate, environmental, social and economic performance. Therefore, it was recommended that professional and regulatory bodies should put more effort into developing standards to regulate and guide sustainability accounting in the Universities financial system.


Corporate Social Responsibility Expenditure, Financial Performance, Return on Equity, Stakeholders’ Theory, Stewardship Theory, Total Personnel Cost.


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