Challenges and Opportunities of the Implementation of Human Assistance and Disaster Relief (Ha/Dr) Operation by Indonesian Navy in Southeast Asian Region


I Nengah Putra , Deni DAR , Timbul Siahaan , Khaerudin Syahid , Beny Rudiawan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 154-161 | Views: 951 | Downloads: 285 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614741

Volume 8 - October 2019 (10)


In the aspect of disaster response, TNI-AL has a duty other than war (OMSP), namely disaster response operations in the regional area. However, TNI-AL still has several obstacles in implementing the emergency response operations. This paper aims to provide an analysis of the challenges and opportunities for the implementation of TNI-AL’s Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operations in the Southeast Asian region. In this research, PEST (Politics, Economy, Socio-Culture, and Technology) analysis method was used. Based on the results of the research, three factors in the form of opportunities and four factors in the form of challenges are obtained. The three factors in the form of opportunities include: 1) The geographical condition and physical structure as the strategic route of the world traffic; 2) Indonesia is the largest maritime nation in Asia; 3) The economic growth supports the escalation of defense budget. Meanwhile, the four factors in the form of challenges are: 1) The geographical condition needs extra surveillance in the maritime territory including the vulnerability towards the threat of natural disasters; 2) The world maritime axis policy is not yet well implemented; 3) The defense industry still depends on the technology of foreign countries; 4) The infrastructure of information system and Pernika is still partial.


Human Assistance And Disaster Relief (HA/DR); Indonesian Navy, PEST Analysis.


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