Impact of Entrepreneurial Education, Motivation on Entrepreneurial Career Intention; Mediated By Entrepreneurial Attitude
Majid Murad , Prof Dr Cai Li , Hasnain Javed , Saba Fazal Firdousi , Shabeeb Ahmad Gill ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 45-56 | Views: 1013 | Downloads: 277 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614725
The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial career intention with the mediation role of entrepreneurial attitude. The nature of the study was case of Jiangsu University and quantitative data were used to test hypotheses. The sample size drained from population with the help of formula and 503 students were taken for investigation. The output of the study revealed that entrepreneurial education has significant impact on entrepreneurial career intention. The study suggested that entrepreneurial motivation has significant impact on entrepreneurial career intention. Moreover, results demonstrated that entrepreneurial attitude has positive and significant mediating role between entrepreneurial education, motivation and career intention of Jiangsu university students.
Entrepreneurial Education, Motivation, Career Intention, Jiangsu University, China
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