Study Of Effect Of Accounting Information Systems And Softwares On Qualitative Features Of Accounting Information


Iman Zare ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 85-97 | Views: 409 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3384398

Volume 1 - April 2012 (04)


Regarding to the potential capabilities of accounting information systems (AIS) and software packages as computer AIS, and regarding to the continuous changes and rapid developments of economical units, provision of relevant, reliable, and comparable financial information is necessary. To investigate this, the question is that whether IT affects qualitative features of accounting information in financial statements? To do this research, a sample of 105 confidant auditors from Tehran Stock Exchange and professors of Islamic Azad University, region 5, was selected by Simple Random Sampling (SRS) method as questionnaires. Inferential statistical method, Clemogrov-Smironov test, and t-student test were used. It was found that accounting information systems and softwares highly affect on comparison capability and relevance of financial statement, but they lowly affect on reliability of them. Also, variance analysis was done for three indices of relevance, reliability, comparability. To do this, pair groups were compared by t-test. In this test, first rank was for relevance. 


Accounting information system, software packages, and information qualitative features


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