Who’s Polluting the Hoosier Air? An Examination of International versus Domestic Industry Operating in Indiana
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Volume 1 - September 2012 (09)
The unstable US economy has forced many executives to make the difficult decision to close factories and set up operations elsewhere to take advantage of low-wages and better business environments. The loss of production jobs has been particularly economically devastating in the traditionally manufacturing -based areas of the country (Teaford, 1994). The Rust Belt, often referred to as the Manufacturing Belt, consists of northern Midwestern and Northeastern US states, generally from Iowa to Pennsylvania (Lopez, 2004). These states’ economies were built on manufacturing during the industry’s boom, but with the nationwide shift to service and high-tech industries, they face great challenges in reshaping their economies and retraining their workforces to better handle the realities of the global marketplace (Florida, 1996). The most production-intensive state in the US is Indiana, where one in six residents (nicknamed “Hoosiers”) hold jobs in manufacturing (Charles & Hicks, 2008). As a result of the recent economic downturn and other factors, Indiana’s economy has struggled when industrybased jobs have been lost because there is little readily available employment to replace them (Evanoff & Russell, 2008).
Examination, Domestic Industry, Hoosier Air, Pollution
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