Determining the Effectiveness of the Sourcing Process
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The research attempts to evaluate the sourcing process at one of the leading IT Company in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and to suggest ways to improve its effectiveness. The population for the study consisted of the candidates who were scheduled for the interview process at the company. For the purpose of the research, the population was split into candidates who attended the interview and candidates who did not attend the interview. Sample was chosen through quota sampling and the data collection tools were questionnaire for those who attended the interview and a telephonic interview for those who did not attend the interview. The analysis of the responses from the 300 respondents revealed that a good job description is the main reason for a career change. But they did not receive the job description for which they were being interviewed and faced confusions over their eligibility for the interview. The results suggests that the organization should address the major organizational causes such as not receiving confirmatory emails, no proper intimation regarding the venue and eligibility concerns and no job description which constitute the major reason for not attending the interviews seriously in order to make the sourcing process more effective.
Sourcing, Content analysis, Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Job Description
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