Comparative study on brand loyalty in global softdrink consumer markets of Kenya and India
Odhiambo Odera , Jairo Kirwa Mise , Prof Martin Ogutu , Prof Chandrasekeran Nair ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 49-54 | Views: 497 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3405739
This study sought to establish and compare the loyalty characteristics among the soft drinks consumers in Kenya and India. Kenya is a leading economic hub in Eastern Africa while India remains a powerful economic player in Asia with its large population that offers considerable scope for additional geographic penetration. The study was carried out between January 2012 and October 2012. The target group was majorly youth consumers who were sampled from local universities in both countries. The study established that in India, peer group are more powerful in influencing potential consumers to take soft drinks while in Kenya parents play a crucial role. The study is useful both to marketing policy makers in the soft drinks industry and to marketing scholars in getting an insight of transnational consumer behaviour.
Brand loyalty, soft drinks, consumer
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