Impact Of Globalization On The Banking Performance Of Pakistan


Muhammad Tahir Awan , Habib Ahmad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 84-91 | Views: 400 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445857

Volume 3 - January 2014 (01)


Data from 18 banks have been concluded during the span of 2001-2010 is to examine the impact of globalization, credit risk, capital strength, efficiency of management, network embeddedness, size, economic globalization, social globalization and political globalization on profitability of these banks. Findings suggest that variable credit risk, capital strength, efficiency of management, network embeddedness, size, social globalization, economic globalization and political globalization have a positive impact on profitability whereas profitability is not affected by globalization. 


Globalization, ROA (profitability), Credit risk, Capital Strength, Network Embeddedness, Fixed Effect Model


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