The Impact of Advertising of Brand Equity, Nutriplus Beverage, On the Performance of the Manufacturing Company.


Jaravaza Divaries Cosmas , Maluleke Nomuhle , Magonde Simbarashe ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 13-20 | Views: 356 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457659

Volume 3 - August 2014 (08)


The research explored the impact of advertising of brand equity, Nutriplus beverage, on the performance of the manufacturing company in Manicaland Province in Zimbabwe from 2007-2012.The ultimate drive was to establish if advertising could improve brand equity, Nutriplus beverage, using the advantages of the relationship between advertising and branding, to the benefit of the manufacturing company. In this study, five top managers, five supervisors and a hundred customers were used as research subjects. The descriptive survey, using quantitative and qualitative methods, was used as research methodology. The following tools were used to solicit data: questionnaire, interview and observation. The study was prompted by stiff competition among beverages. Major findings were that Nutriplus was not well positioned in customers’ minds and there was a relationship between advertising and branding from a customers’ persipective.The company should incorporate deliberate strategies to promote Nutriplus brand equity and employees should be trained in this regard. Further research on brand equity enhancing strategies and its measurement are recommended


Brand equity, Advertising, Beverage, Branding, Positioning, Customer.


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